Trust your intuition Painting Workshop!
A new exciting workshop coming up on March 23, 2024 from 11-3pm! Come paint with me!
Join me for this women (21 and older) only intuitive painting workshop where you will learn to “trust your gut” when it comes to creating. So many of us never start a painting because we get intimidated by what the outcome may be. In this workshop you will learn to create a painting by using your intuition. That little voice inside of you that gets excited about a specific color… PAINT IT….. that little voice inside of you that gets excited about a shape or subject… DRAW IT….that little voice inside of you that wants to add a bright color…DO IT! All of those little inklings, instincts and insights calling to you… that’s your intuition guiding you. I’m going to help you clear a path back to it and silent your mind so that you can hear it when it speaks. Inspiration is an energy and that energy comes to us to wake up that inner child to explore and play..let’s create some magic together!
Each person will create their own individual painting but when we put them altogether, it creates one magical piece. This is the beauty of creating and inspiring each other! We will also have a drawing for a gift from me to you!
When: March 23,2023
Where: Rogers Experimental House 121 W. Walnut, Rogers, AR
Time: 11 am- 3 pm
I hope you will join me as we work together to open up our creativity to experience what it is to PLAY with art!
See you soon!
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
Tis the Season my friends!
As I reflect on this past year I am filled with so much warmth and gratitude. I’m not sure what it is about getting older but you really begin to focus more on living your most authentic version of yourself and by doing that you open up an entire new perspective on life. I’m not far from 50 and I realized that there is so much more to who I am as a woman, as a human really, than what I have allowed myself to live. For someone like myself, I have always felt compelled to live in my truth, funny thing is though… your truth changes… because you continue to grow and learn.
What I have learned this year is…. It’s ok to embrace aging , my grays, my lines, my changing body. I have learned that life doesn’t have to be so hard. That ego has zero place in my life and that ego is what keeps me from FEELING authentic. I have learned that slowing down is ok. That gentle exercise is better than killing myself trying to prove I am strong or fit. That it becomes more about how I feel rather than how I look…. And whoa is there some freedom in that folks! I have learned that my kids growing up and spreading their wings is bittersweet and still so beautiful. I have learned that it’s ok to keep trying things, that learning is a wonderful experience and sometimes it’s about learning what you like and don’t like, who you are and who you want to be, and whether you want to eat the whole pan of brownies or just go for a slice.
It’s been a phenomenal year of growth with these amazing life experiences!
I’ve learned that being humble and being grateful are the two most beautiful ways to live.
I have learned that losing my mom was the hardest thing I have ever gone through… and how much she taught me is instilled in me so deeply that without even knowing it I have taught my children the same.
Dogs are the best.
Chocolate is my air
Gaining weight is ok
Motherhood is beautiful
Sisterhood is important
Teaching again feeds my spirit
Making art and messing up on my canvas… is ALWAYS OK… because well we have gesso right?
Being still and breathing is an amazing lesson I learned. I don’t constantly have to be doing “something”.
Most importantly… I have learned to love and accept myself right where I am. To give myself grace and to do my best.. whatever that looks like.
What have you learned about yourself in 2023?
Check out my Event section also if you are interested in taking an upcoming painting workshop with me.